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Why Plan?

Planning is a great tool for you to grow your business or your career.  Why is planning so important?  you may ask.

If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail – Ben Franklin

Let’s invert that statement:      Be sure to plan, and you will SUCCEED.

When you take time to plan, you ARE more in control of your life.  You know what you have coming, and you get noticed as a doer; someone who gets things done.

And planning doesn’t take long! 30 minutes is plenty of time.  So, plan for success!

For example:  When my husband Frank came back from a writing conference, he had so many ideas for marketing his next book that he was having trouble keeping it all straight, and he was stressed about it.  As I do with my time coaching clients, I suggested we sit down and brainstorm all the ideas he wanted to put into place and schedule them.

He said: “That helped me prioritize, categorize, define and lay out a game plan for the next 3 months, which is critical for a successful book launch.  Now I can focus on my work and not get distracted by unknowns.  I can work with more confidence.”  ~ Frank Morin, Author

  1. Planning gives you weekly time to think about your business. I take this time to think about at least one new thing I would like to do differently or more efficiently.
  2. By taking time to plan, your week is geared toward YOUR goals. This is a major difference between doers and followers. To gain traction in any position, you must set and achieve goals to improve your performance. You will rise to the top and get noticed as a person who gets things done.
  3. Planning gets you motivated for the week. What are you most excited about this week? What kudos are you looking forward to?  Do you have a time planned to get together with someone fascinating or talented?
  4. Good planning helps you anticipate complications, which means less time putting out fires.
  5. Planning causes focus on priorities and what’s important; less distracted by minor events or tasks. This is true at work AND at home. Want more free time? Plan. To finally make progress on your goal? Plan. Want to be truly able to focus on your family while home? Plan. Planning is the answer, my friends.
  6. Looking ahead to the week’s appointments helps avoid scheduling conflicts or double-booking. Have you allowed enough time for the meeting with your client Amy? How long did your last meeting last?  If you don’t plan properly, Amy’s meeting may spill over into another person’s appointment time, which may upset that next client.

When I don’t plan, things go haywire.  A few weeks ago, I was getting ready for a last-minute trip.  I hadn’t planned on Monday.  Big mistake. I almost missed my call with my business coach, which I’ve NEVER forgotten before.  And I was so distracted that day I missed a reminder text from my Aesthetician, so I missed my facial, and probably annoyed her.  I felt frazzled and definitely NOT together.  Not a good feeling, because I like to have my ducks in a row! 

  1. Improve performance:  Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance.  ~ Gary Ryan Blair Proper planning makes you better prepared for meetings and client interactions. Tracking how long different clients take and how long it takes you in between to prepare for the next person/meeting will save anxiety.  I know a financial planner who always allows herself 30 minutes between each client to prepare for the next one; a practice that has worked well for her.  Also, you will be more able to focus completely on the client you are with when you are not worried about timing or lack of preparation
  1. Be flexible. Remember, plans change. Your priorities may change as the week goes on, or you may have to deal with an emergency.  Make it work for you!


Don’t give up on your New Year’s Resolution!

How is your New Year’s resolution going? Did you know only 8 percent of Americans are successful in achieving their New Year’s resolution? Wow, that’s depressing.  And half of those who make resolutions abandon them after the first month.

Well, it’s been a month and a week. I’d like to show why resolutions fail and how to come up with a resolution or goal that you will stick to.

First, here are the top 3 New Year’s Resolutions in the U.S.:

  1. Lose weight
  2. Get organized
  3. Spend less, save more

What is the deal, are we weak-minded or without willpower?   Not exactly, says psychologist Mark Goulston. His reasons why resolutions fail:

  1. Many times resolutions are driven much more by emotion than logic.

So, say my  resolution is to stop eating chocolate for a month.  This resolution was made in the moment, rashly, when I saw the scale on January 2. I didn’t take into account how much I enjoy chocolate, nor did I determine that the one thing I needs to lose weight  is to ban chocolate. (Limiting calories and increasing  exercise play a role too.)

  1. So, one reason why many of us don’t keep our resolution is: Uncertainty. We don’t know how we are going to feel in the future.

Even though I was determined in that moment to ban the evil chocolate from my diet, I might feel differently a week later when I see my son eating a piece of his Christmas chocolate and I have a strong craving for it.  I can smell it. Ooh it smells good.  I see him enjoying it.  I can almost taste it.  That’s it—I will have just one piece.  And BOOM! My resolution is thrashed.  It’s over. I failed.  Right?

  1. That leads to the third reason people don’t keep New Year’s resolutions:

“They believe that they won’t keep them and in so doing they will then either disappoint others, causing embarrassment or disappoint themselves, causing shame.”    ~ Mark Goulston, M.D., FAPA


  1.  Spend more time thinking deeply about what you really want out of the year.

Many of the studies I read listed this as a reason for abandoning our New Year’s resolutions.  We hadn’t truly considered all the ramifications, so when an obstacle like that tempting chocolate comes up, we cave.  In other words, commit to it.

  1. Be realistic: Decide what you are willing to do.  Am I really going to resist having a dessert when I am out to dinner with friends? Does this mean I have to become a hermit in order to lose my flub?                                                                                                                                        No! In fact, a small reward for sticking to your goal is good for you, according to a study by University of Pittsburgh, Duke and Vanderbilt found that if you eat mostly healthy, but “carve out a portion of your meal for a calorie-laden treat,” it is motivating.

They call this a vice-virtue bundle.  Hmm, sounds intriguing . . .

So, this addresses self-control issues we face at the dinner table or other situations.

We determined that people are best served by making vice-virtue bundles, combinations that include primarily healthy choices but also toss in a small proportion of something indulgent, ”     ~ Cait Lamberton, University of Pittsburgh

Like CHOCOLATE, or bacon, or cheese . . . .

  1.  Find an accountability buddy or a friend who wants to accomplish

    the same goal, so you can cheer each other on when the going gets tough.

  2.  Remember that one mistake does not a failure make. Encourage yourself with positive self-talk.  Talk to yourself as if you were helping a friend with their goals.

So, to quote an author I know (my husband) Frank Morin, in order to set New Year’s resolutions that will last, you must  “look deep, see clear.”

Related posts:,


Set in Stone,  YA novel by Frank Morin,

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