I recently spoke at a senior fair about downsizing. When I asked everyone ‘what is the hardest thing about downsizing?’ many answered: the memories. Another reply that resonated: the decisions.
When downsizing is a must, the time to let go of some memories has come. I know a lot of clients who save things from their children’s childhood and high school years. This is a burden for most parents, because it sometimes fills an entire room in their home.
Other times, the mementos that get saved are family heirlooms like furniture, quilts, and photos.
It is difficult for most of us to let go of possessions which stir memories. I think some of us grow more sentimental as the years pass. I know it’s hard, but sometimes has to be done, especially if you need to move to a smaller place. To make it easier, I have some advice that has helped my clients.
From a recent article, Organizer Jodie Watson shares her favorite trick. “In any given category, let’s say artwork that you have hung on the wall, ask this question, ‘If I could only take three pieces with me, which three would they be?’ With books, the question might be, ‘If I can only take 20 with me, which 20 would they be?’ This will help you discover the ones that are more meaningful than the others. These are the ones to take with you, the rest are negotiable.” (Watson owns Supreme Organization)*
If you’ve tried these ideas and you’re still having a hard time letting go, this means you are “stuck”. It is a good time to look into hiring a professional organizer to help you. Organizers are skilled in helping people come to decisions that they will be happy with. Downsizing is much easier and less stressful with a professional to guide and assist you. You may even start to enjoy it!
link to Jodie Watson’s webpage: http://www.supremeorganization.com/wordpress1/
We are leaving for Disney early next week, and I have some tips for packing up a family for a road trip or flight to somewhere warm and sunny!
I have different lists depending on the destination and time of year. For Spring break, I figure most families are going somewhere warm like Mexico or Southern California, so I’ll go with that.
A couple weeks before the trip: ask neighbor to bring in recycling, newspaper and mail, and arrange pet care.
__Money belts ____passport copies
Kids: Special blankets or stuffed animal ___ Books____
Activities for plane ride
Hats, sunglasses
Voice recorder
First aid kit
Book lights
Playing cards
Gum, eye drops, Mask, comfy pants, earplugs, mp3, headphones, book, handicraft, Compression socks and foot rest, seat cushions, light blanket