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Saying no

Why is it so hard to say ‘No?’ Some Tips to make it Easier

I just have to crow about being ahead of the curve with my 8 ways to Say No blog in August.

Since then, Real Simple magazine featured the article ‘The Nicest way to say No’ on the September cover.  The same month, Kathie England taught ‘8 Ways to Say ‘No’ ‘ in her Time out for Success teleclass. Finally, Grants Pass radio station K-LOVE  aired a piece about saying ‘No.’

What is it about saying ‘No?’  Why is it so difficult for so many people, especially women?

Why Saying ‘No’ is so hard to do:

Reason 1:   You are unsure of your priorities

If your goals are clear and you know what needs to be accomplished today or this week, saying ‘No’ will be much easier.  However, if you have not planned the week and have only a vague idea what you need or want to accomplish,  you become vulnerable to outside requests for help.

Reason 2: Your fear of social awkwardness

A legitimate fear: it is much easier in the short term to say ‘Yes’ and have the asker be happy and grateful to you.  Nobody likes being told no.  See Tip #2 below!

Here are 3 tips to make it easier:       England shared from McKeown’s book:

  1. Separate the decision from the relationship. 

You are not saying no to the friendship, it doesn’t mean you don’t want to be friends anymore; it does mean you are unable to say yes to their request for your time, money, etc.  This requires validating the asker and, in some cases, explaining why it won’t be possible for you.

  1. Make your peace with the fact that saying “No” often requires trading popularity for respect.

People pleasers are the ones that often get in trouble by saying a reflexive “Yes.”  Women especially have trouble with this.  You want to be the teacher’s pet!  Only it’s not school, where you need to please the teacher for a good grade—it is life.  You don’t have to please the president of your networking group, the fundraiser, the PTA president, the principal, etc—you have your own priorities of family, work, your own interests.  Saying “yes” to everything will ensure you do not have time for yourself.  The end result will be burnout and resentment if you are neglecting your own needs to help others.

  1. Remember saying “No” can be more graceful than a noncommittal “Yes.”

Think about it.  Just because you like the person or you believe their cause is a good idea is not enough.  Maybe you would like to help, but deep down inside you know you don’t have time or energy to do it or have no intention of doing it.  It is much better to decline at the outset.  This way, you don’t set up false expectations.

When I was in college, I worked for a firm selling credit cards to people.  I was horrible at it, but one thing I learned: I would rather have a prospect interrupt with a “No” at the beginning of the call than listen to my whole pitch before saying no.  They wasted time for both parties.

The same applies to people asking for a favor.  If you say yes but don’t mean it, they are counting on you.  But if you back out or don’t follow through, they won’t know until the last minute and then they are in a bind.  That is when hard feelings are created.  It is much better to give a decisive ‘No’ at the outset to avoid setting up false expectations (their end), guilt (your end), and the fallout that will inevitably ensue.

So, armed with this new knowledge and motivation to be true to your own priorities, you will be able to say “No”!

How did this post help you? I would love to hear your story!

Kathie England’s website

Content from Kathie England’s teleclass is based on Essentialism by Greg McKeown.  

5 Ways to Say NO Guilt-free and Be at Peace With Your Response

Saying No Graciously

What do you believe about people who say no to good causes?

A recent client of mine I’ll call Kerry is retired.  So she has lots of time on her hands, right? She can finally get to all those projects she has been saving for retirement like spending time with grandchildren, getting her office organized, serving in her church, traveling, gardening, whatever she fancies.

The only problem is:  Kerry cannot seem to say no to good causes, and believe me they all seem good.   So she piles on the activities, says yes to extra responsibilities like taking a shift at the library, helping with a fundraiser that eats up weeks of her summer, etc.  Now Kerry’s plate is full and she has very little time for her real goals.  She is spending time helping other people with their goals, and has lost sight of her own, or has shuffled them to the bottom of the to-do list.

Also, Kerry does not have a minute to herself!  What about that list of books she has been wanting to read but never gets to?  She needs some time to unwind and relax, but she is busy from dawn to dusk. 

 Saying no is not about selfishness but about self-respect. You’re standing up for what is right for you.”  

~ William Ury, PhD, Harvard Professor and author of The Power of a Positive No: How to Say No & Still Get to Yes.

In Kerry’s case, which is so common among women, she has “Yessed” her way into a very busy schedule and now has little time for relaxation or her own projects like getting organized and gardening.

If saying yes has gotten you into a similar pickle, here is how to say ‘No’ guilt-free so it doesn’t happen again.

Gracious ways to say NO without Guilt:

  1. Is it a reasonable request?  If not, or if it is a demand, that is an easy no. 
  2. Thank the person for thinking of you.  Be sincere with this.  Then add you are already stretched to the limit time-wise.
  3. Make it clear you aren’t rejecting the worthiness of the cause and say something like: “I just don’t have peace about that right now.”
  4. Another option is to say: “If I take it on, I won’t be able to do it justice.”
  5. Set clear boundaries without feeling guilty.  “I’m sorry, if I commit to this it will take away from my family time.”
  6. Suggest other people who can help . . . this will only take a few minutes and the asker will realize you are interested in helping them with their situation.

 Remember, no one is irreplaceable:

“If it’s not brain surgery, others can do it—maybe not with your pizzazz, but it will get done and the cosmos will not explode in the process.”  

~ Susan Newman, PhD, author of The Book of No: 250 Ways to Say It—and Mean It and Stop People-Pleasing Forever.

So next time you are pressured to say yes—even if it is a worthy cause—remember your goals, use the tips and stay within your boundaries.   Be strong.  It does get easier with practice! 


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