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Efficient Spaces Blog

7 Tips to Whisk away the Clutter!

Clutter.  It magically accumulates, it seems.  We bring home groceries, the mail, the junk mail, meeting agendas, et cetera.  Follow these 7 tips to quickly clear your counter, desk, or command center.

  1. Envision what you’d like the counter or desk to look like for inspiration to get started.
  2. Sort the clutter into piles of like items,  for example unpaid bills in 1 pile, paid bills in another, invitations in another, junk mail (or just immediately recycle junk mail), etc.
  3. Put away all the papers that don’t require further actions if they are needed for record keeping, and Ruthlessly recycle those you have no further actions on or don’t intend to do anything about.  Be Ruthless, not reckless!
  4. For items that don’t have a file or a “home” established, put them in the first place you think of.  That way, the way your brain works, you will think of that place first when you need to locate the item.
  5. Set up an in-basket for all other paper or items requiring action from you.  This includes mail, prescriptions you need to fill, the online health signup you got a letter about, Post-its that have notes to yourself, everything.
  6. Get to the bottom of your in-basket daily or at least every 3 days so nothing falls through the cracks.
  7. Schedule a 10-15 minute time for yourself every day to go through the in-basket.  This is what organizers call Maintenance. Pick the most likely time of day for yourself, when you feel the most  ambitious.

Making Tax time easier


If you’d like some tips for making tax time easier next year, read on.

Did you get your taxes in on time or did you have to file for an extension? Were you stressed out trying to find the documents you need like W-2’s or receipts? I have several friends who had to scramble to find their tax docs, consuming time that could have been more productive. They could have been making money working for clients instead of searching piles or clogged files for what they needed.

Some people dread tax time because that is how their life looks every April. But others are calm and assured, with very little disturbing their daily routine. Why?

Organization. The people who don’t dread tax time are those who have their tax documents gathered in one place and have them filed early (especially if they are getting money back). Whether a business owner or a homeowner, doing a few key things will make it easier for you and your accountant when tax time rolls around.

My husband, Frank, and I each run our own business. Our client files are quite different, but our tax documents go into just a few files.

All receipts for tax deductible donations get put into an “Odd year tax” or “Even year tax” file, which we give to our accountant.  We keep the rest of our records on Quickbooks, which we can email to our accountant.

Now, I don’t like updating my QB (I update it once a month), but Frank is excellent at updating it every time he receives a check. As his office manager, I take care of depositing and filing the check with the payment slip. That way, everything is in its place and recorded accurately, which makes tax time easier, and tracking our P&L easier as well.

Record keeping for taxes doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, the simpler the better. It’s important to record what you take in and what you spend, and have a regular time of the week or month to update everything. It will be easier to remember if you schedule time on the same date each month like the 1st or the 15th.

For homeowners, just keeping a file that holds all the tax documents you get in the mail from your employer, your bank, your investments, etc, is the main thing you need to do. If you don’t have a file or a filing cabinet, a drawer or a basket will do, as long as you make a habit of sorting your tax documents into that place. As I mentioned earlier, have a place set up to drop receipts from charities or thrift stores so you can get all the deductions you are eligible for. They can all go into the same file, basket or drawer if you like.

And don’t forget mileage! Whether you use your vehicle for church, nonprofit or your business, tracking that mileage can really add up on your tax deductions. The government currently pays 56.5 cents per mile for business, 14 cents per mile for charitable service organizations. Did you know you can get reimbursed for medical visits and moving? You can.

I encourage you to put these or similar systems in place now, this week. Do it while you still remember the stress of gathering your tax documents this year. Instead of being stressed out in April, you will have peace of mind. And that’s a good way to be.



multi tasking woman

5 Tips to keep Distractions at bay

You turn on your home computer to send an email that needs to go out this morning to your PTA or Rotary group.  But before you click “write” you notice a Pinterest notification; a friend re-pinned one of your pins. Curious, you click on it. That leads you down the rabbit hole and you are lost in the attractive and addictive world of Pinterest.  Before you know it, you’ve wasted 30 minutes and still haven’t sent out the essential email!  You have to leave for work in half an hour, so you probably will miss breakfast . . . again.

This is the anatomy of a typical distraction.

Funny thing . . . as I went to the internet to find a dynamite quote about distractions, guess which site came up?  PINTEREST!  I admit it, I did get on Pinterest, but I only allowed myself 10 minutes to search.

One way to boost our will power and focus is to manage our distractions instead of letting them manage us.

Daniel Goleman

I like to call distractions ‘bright and shiny things,’ which take you away from your goal.

Distractions are a part of life, something to either get over or give in to.  Stay focused, or give in to the bright and shiny things.

To help withstand distractions, know your goal.  Use it to stay focused.

5 ways to keep Distractions at bay

  1.  Identify what a real emergency is.   Sometimes at work, you will get a red-flagged email that says it’s an emergency; it needs your attention NOW.  Is that really true? If it’s from your manager or boss, yes it does. But how about other requests?  Know your company’s policy.
  2.  Have a plan.  When you are tempted to just check that one text that came through, but you are supposed to be drafting the agenda for this afternoon’s meeting, have a plan. This could include turning off your personal notifications during work hours, silencing your cellphone during focus time, or just training yourself to wait until you finish your current task.
  1. If you are frequently interrupted during the day, and you are blocking off time to complete focused work, leave some room in your schedule.   If it’s going to happen, make it part of your plan so you don’t get frustrated.  I call this leaving ‘white space’ in your calendar.
  1. Change your physical environment.  Studies show that those in cubicles are interrupted 9 percent more than those with an enclosed office (Real Simple, Dec. 2014).  If it’s possible to rearrange your work environment, (for example, facing away from the cubicle opening) take advantage of that. Many people cannot. It’s also quite helpful to use sound-canceling headphones to block distracting noise.  
  1. Kick the urgency addiction.  How often do you check your phone for texts?  How often do you check your email?  Is the newest thing on your plate the most attractive for you to work on?  Can you go a whole day without getting on Facebook, Pinterest or Twitter?  Try it.  You might learn something about yourself.

Distractions are a part of life, something to either get over or give in to.  It is a choice.  The choice is yours to make!


Stay healthy at your desk with 3 cubicle tweaks:

Real Simple magazine, Dec. 2014.

Goals: Aim for the stars

 Writing Goals You Will Stick to

Just like a heli-skier, when I wrote my goals for this year, I started at the pinnacle and worked my way down.  You can do this too.

What is your loftiest goal; the one that will have you reaching for the stars?

Think about this:

“The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.”   

~Michelangelo Buonarroti

Start by seeing yourself achieving this goal.  Imagine the feelings of accomplishment you will have at that moment; remember overcoming obstacles, and revel in the sweet taste of success–of having all your hard work pay off.

Who are you with?  Who was instrumental in helping you achieve this milestone?  What are the resources you needed to accomplish your big goal?

These are all things you need to picture.  Because, as all great athletes know, envisioning success at critical moments right before a race is essential.  The Ohio Center for Sports Psychology calls this mental imagery.  Successful athletes “prepare themselves for competition by imagining themselves performing well in (the) competition.”

Here is a great example of training using mental imagery.  Gold medalist Billy Mills:

My loftiest goal this year is to bring my Making Time Your Ally workshop to 6 corporations in Medford, Eugene and Portland.  In 2014, I spoke to 1 corporation in Portland and 2 large groups in Medford, so it is a stretch but not impossible.

With complex goals, I suggest making one list of  resources and one of obstacles.  What has kept you from realizing this goal in the past?  Do you have any fears, tendencies or habits to overcome? How can you overcome them? Record your ideas.

1.  Write your goal down. Be very specific.

2.  Work from the goal backward toward the beginning. Picture a funnel, with your big goal in the large neck of the funnel.  Or, if you are more linear thinker, you can  put your big goal at the end of a timeline and work your way back in time.

If your goal is to finally write the book you have an idea for, what are the steps you need to get you there?  In reverse order, remember:  You’ve got to have a publisher, an editor, to find test readers, to give yourself deadlines, and to establish a daily time to write.  Maybe your first step is to poll friends, family, and everyone you are FB friends with about their interest in your topic.  Or write the first couple chapters and gauge their response.

3.  Break your goal into smaller pieces or milestones by recording the steps you need to get there.

4.  Set a deadline for the ‘finish line’, and for major mile markers in between.

5.  Have someone to report your success to, and act as a sounding board when obstacles come up.

6.  Finally, get started! With all your preparation, new knowledge and backup you are positioned to succeed.

Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.

~John D. Rockefeller

Heli ski photo credit:

Simplify Your Holidays

Don’t stress, do less!  At the holidays, people are busier and have more stress.  Whatever your religious faith is, the holidays bring extra mail, concerts, requests for donations, parties, special dishes to make, deliveries to friends, presents to buy, phone calls to make, cards to write, et cetera.

Your head might be spinning now just thinking about all the things you need to do before the holidays hit.  For me, having a list eases my mind and actually makes everything easier.

5 Reasons why a list will keep you jolly:

  • Tasks not written down often bounce around in your mind, distracting you
  • You see what you need to do
  • Crossing off items as you complete them brings a feeling of accomplishment
  • A list helps you prioritize your tasks
  • Your holiday preparation will be more efficient

Every project needs a Plan of attack . Now, I know most of you know how to write a list, but do you know how to whittle your list down to the bare essentials?

The Write way to create your list:

Write it down.

Brainstorm all the things you have to do or want to do before the big holiday.  This can usually be done in one sitting, though you may think of other things and add them later. Once your list is complete, ask yourself, “Is this really possible?” Can you really accomplish all of these things in the next few weeks?

Identify the things you don’t have time to do or don’t intend to do.  Then, cut those from your list.  For example: if you have 30 jobs written and you realize you only have time for half,  you need to somehow cut 50 percent, or 15 tasks from the list.  This will result in a savings of several hours’ worth of time.

Option 1:  Figure out how to let those things go.

Option 2:  Determine how to get them done without spending your valuable time.

Delegating and outsourcing are excellent ways to accomplish this! (Link to a list of local resources at the end of this post.) Next, take what remains of your list and determine what needs to be done first, second, third, and so on.  Otherwise known as prioritizing. Now you have a plan of attack with a pared down list, and you are ready to take on the holidays without fear or dread.  Don’t delay; start today!

Just for you:  See how many things you can cross off your list with my Simplify the Holidays guide, a free gift!  This guide lists Grants Pass and Medford resources for outsourcing holiday decorations, lights, gift wrapping,  sendout card services, and more!

Why is it so hard to say ‘No?’ Some Tips to make it Easier

I just have to crow about being ahead of the curve with my 8 ways to Say No blog in August.

Since then, Real Simple magazine featured the article ‘The Nicest way to say No’ on the September cover.  The same month, Kathie England taught ‘8 Ways to Say ‘No’ ‘ in her Time out for Success teleclass. Finally, Grants Pass radio station K-LOVE  aired a piece about saying ‘No.’

What is it about saying ‘No?’  Why is it so difficult for so many people, especially women?

Why Saying ‘No’ is so hard to do:

Reason 1:   You are unsure of your priorities

If your goals are clear and you know what needs to be accomplished today or this week, saying ‘No’ will be much easier.  However, if you have not planned the week and have only a vague idea what you need or want to accomplish,  you become vulnerable to outside requests for help.

Reason 2: Your fear of social awkwardness

A legitimate fear: it is much easier in the short term to say ‘Yes’ and have the asker be happy and grateful to you.  Nobody likes being told no.  See Tip #2 below!

Here are 3 tips to make it easier:       England shared from McKeown’s book:

  1. Separate the decision from the relationship. 

You are not saying no to the friendship, it doesn’t mean you don’t want to be friends anymore; it does mean you are unable to say yes to their request for your time, money, etc.  This requires validating the asker and, in some cases, explaining why it won’t be possible for you.

  1. Make your peace with the fact that saying “No” often requires trading popularity for respect.

People pleasers are the ones that often get in trouble by saying a reflexive “Yes.”  Women especially have trouble with this.  You want to be the teacher’s pet!  Only it’s not school, where you need to please the teacher for a good grade—it is life.  You don’t have to please the president of your networking group, the fundraiser, the PTA president, the principal, etc—you have your own priorities of family, work, your own interests.  Saying “yes” to everything will ensure you do not have time for yourself.  The end result will be burnout and resentment if you are neglecting your own needs to help others.

  1. Remember saying “No” can be more graceful than a noncommittal “Yes.”

Think about it.  Just because you like the person or you believe their cause is a good idea is not enough.  Maybe you would like to help, but deep down inside you know you don’t have time or energy to do it or have no intention of doing it.  It is much better to decline at the outset.  This way, you don’t set up false expectations.

When I was in college, I worked for a firm selling credit cards to people.  I was horrible at it, but one thing I learned: I would rather have a prospect interrupt with a “No” at the beginning of the call than listen to my whole pitch before saying no.  They wasted time for both parties.

The same applies to people asking for a favor.  If you say yes but don’t mean it, they are counting on you.  But if you back out or don’t follow through, they won’t know until the last minute and then they are in a bind.  That is when hard feelings are created.  It is much better to give a decisive ‘No’ at the outset to avoid setting up false expectations (their end), guilt (your end), and the fallout that will inevitably ensue.

So, armed with this new knowledge and motivation to be true to your own priorities, you will be able to say “No”!

How did this post help you? I would love to hear your story!

Kathie England’s website

Content from Kathie England’s teleclass is based on Essentialism by Greg McKeown.  

How to Take the Stress out of Moving

Moving the SMART way

It is summer.  Lots of people are moving.  Are you one of them?  If you are stressed, this post will help you.

The question is, how do you have a SMART move?  If you follow these steps, I guarantee you a lower stress level during your move!


It is never too early to start purging.  Even if you are just thinking about putting your house on the market, get started.  Some easy things to purge include:

  • old toys
  • children’s books that your kids have outgrown
  • clothes that don’t fit
  • exercise equipment you never use

Look to thrift stores to donate items.  Salvation Army even picks up donations!


One of the most useful tools I use with any client, moving or organizing, is a plan.  With a plan, you avoid running around from room to room, and waking up in the middle of the night because you forgot to have the mail forwarded.  You get the point.   To do this, make a list of all the tasks you need to do before you move.  Many of us have items that need to get returned to friends, or household repairs to be done before the move.  Plus, moving companies and websites have great checklists for all the details you need to take care of when leaving one home and entering the next.  Check it out!  Why reinvent the wheel when a professional mover has already put a great list together?

Once you have a plan, and it is WRITTEN DOWN, your peace of mind increases dramatically.

Have a system for labeling.  Some people color-code for different rooms in the house, which you can do with just a colored marker.  Or just write the room the box needs to go to right on the box.


Trying to do everything yourself and then realizing a day before your move that you are not ready is a horrible feeling.  Instead, ask for help early.  Ask friends to come and help out a week before the move or earlier.  You can order some pizza for your helpers to show your appreciation!

There are several things that friends can pack quite easily.  Books, videos, children’s toys, for example.  Packing up a kitchen is easy to have help with as well, as long as you are there to supervise what needs to stay out until the last minute.

And if you are still feeling overwhelmed, go ahead and call a professional like me for help.  It is great to have a professional on your team for such a big undertaking.

R  :  Gather your RESOURCES

Take 15 minutes to list your resources.  It is well worth the time.

  • People  (especially ones with moving experience)
  • Budget for the move
  • Number of boxes and packing material on hand
  • Real estate agent
  • Websites  (for packing lists, etc)
  • Amount of time you have before the move
  • A truck

Can you think of other resources you have?

Now list the moving resources you still need.  Have more newspaper, bubble wrap and boxes than you think you need.  I usually budget 1 small box for each shelf of books, for example.  Keep in mind unless you have a mover, you have to LIFT these boxes, too!

Tip:  make sure to keep your towels, dish cloths, sheets and blankets accessible to fill the tops of book boxes.  They are also really handy for packing your delicate china, glasses and serving dishes.


Now I’m not saying to pack one box and sit down to look at what a good job you did, but do take a break when you need it.  If you are starting to get stressed and are flitting from room to room, you are not effective any more.  It is time to clear your head for 15-20 minutes.

Call a friend, take a shower, watch something funny, have a cup of tea or a snack, etc.

Then when you get back to work, your brain will be rested and you will come back with renewed energy for packing.  It really works!

So, for a less stressful move, be SMART and start early, make a plan, ask for help, gather resources, and take a break when you need it.

Please don’t be shy.  Share this blog post with some friends who can use it!

SalvationArmy:  541-773-6965

Goodwill:   Mfr: 541-772-3300 CP: 541-665-0025 GP: 541-479-6000

More Moving tips:

photo courtesy of American Movers Orlando website

5 Ways to Say NO Guilt-free and Be at Peace With Your Response

Saying No Graciously

What do you believe about people who say no to good causes?

A recent client of mine I’ll call Kerry is retired.  So she has lots of time on her hands, right? She can finally get to all those projects she has been saving for retirement like spending time with grandchildren, getting her office organized, serving in her church, traveling, gardening, whatever she fancies.

The only problem is:  Kerry cannot seem to say no to good causes, and believe me they all seem good.   So she piles on the activities, says yes to extra responsibilities like taking a shift at the library, helping with a fundraiser that eats up weeks of her summer, etc.  Now Kerry’s plate is full and she has very little time for her real goals.  She is spending time helping other people with their goals, and has lost sight of her own, or has shuffled them to the bottom of the to-do list.

Also, Kerry does not have a minute to herself!  What about that list of books she has been wanting to read but never gets to?  She needs some time to unwind and relax, but she is busy from dawn to dusk. 

 Saying no is not about selfishness but about self-respect. You’re standing up for what is right for you.”  

~ William Ury, PhD, Harvard Professor and author of The Power of a Positive No: How to Say No & Still Get to Yes.

In Kerry’s case, which is so common among women, she has “Yessed” her way into a very busy schedule and now has little time for relaxation or her own projects like getting organized and gardening.

If saying yes has gotten you into a similar pickle, here is how to say ‘No’ guilt-free so it doesn’t happen again.

Gracious ways to say NO without Guilt:

  1. Is it a reasonable request?  If not, or if it is a demand, that is an easy no. 
  2. Thank the person for thinking of you.  Be sincere with this.  Then add you are already stretched to the limit time-wise.
  3. Make it clear you aren’t rejecting the worthiness of the cause and say something like: “I just don’t have peace about that right now.”
  4. Another option is to say: “If I take it on, I won’t be able to do it justice.”
  5. Set clear boundaries without feeling guilty.  “I’m sorry, if I commit to this it will take away from my family time.”
  6. Suggest other people who can help . . . this will only take a few minutes and the asker will realize you are interested in helping them with their situation.

 Remember, no one is irreplaceable:

“If it’s not brain surgery, others can do it—maybe not with your pizzazz, but it will get done and the cosmos will not explode in the process.”  

~ Susan Newman, PhD, author of The Book of No: 250 Ways to Say It—and Mean It and Stop People-Pleasing Forever.

So next time you are pressured to say yes—even if it is a worthy cause—remember your goals, use the tips and stay within your boundaries.   Be strong.  It does get easier with practice! 


girl jumping for joy

You can do Anything for 30 minutes

You Can do Anything for 30 Minutes

It is true you can do anything for 30 minutes. The Fly Lady likes to say you can do anything for 15 minutes, but for projects requiring more brains than brawn, 30 minutes is the ticket to banishing procrastination.

This is what I told a time coaching client: Just work on your business plan for 30 minutes. I call it the 30 Minute Rule. This advice applies to any project you may be putting off.  Even if you don’t want to do it, you will make progress and feel that you accomplished something worthwhile.

What are the things that have kept you from starting a project in the past?

  • Procrastination
  • Failure to schedule it
  • Not enough time to do it justice


Why do we procrastinate?  Fear . . . either it is too big of a task, we don’t have the skills to do it, we need more information, the assignment was unclear, and so on.  The reasons for procrastination seem to be as varied as the persons who procrastinate.  (See my blog about Procrastination.)

The first step to overcoming procrastination is uncovering the reason for it.  Once you ask yourself some delving questions.  Figure it out. Talk it over with a trusted friend or spouse. Once you uncover that, you can progress and deal with it.  I am not a psychologist, but this strategy has worked for me and my time coachees.

A recent client, pet trainer Kaye Geyler, needed to work on her business plan.  She just started her business several months ago and knew it was important, but couldn’t get herself to work on it.  The 30 Minute Rule worked wonders for her.  We decided the next steps she needed to take and she committed to work on it for at least 30 minutes.  It worked well for her.  She told me later, “Even if I don’t want to do it, I can make myself do it for 30 minutes.”

So, instead of procrastinating the business plan, she used the 30 Minute Rule to motivate herself to get started.

And here’s a little secret: once you get started on it, you usually get more enthusiastic and the ideas start coming, so you end up spending more than 30 minutes working on it, which results in more progress and gives you an incredible feeling of accomplishment.

Failure to Schedule it

This is the easiest of the 3 issues to fix.  If you want to do a project, know how to do it, but aren’t getting to it, the solution is simple: just put it in your schedule. Pick a day and assign a time when you will get started on this.  Then put a reminder on your phone, computer, or planner.  You may need one day a week for this, or more.  It is helpful to get into a routine time for the job, like every Tuesday and Thursday at 10 a.m., for example.  Soon it will be something you don’t need to remind yourself to do; it will be a habit.  Use this technique to create the positive changes you are craving.

Lacking time to do it justice

Another habit that sabotages getting projects done is talking yourself out of it.  You look at the clock and your morning calls have taken too long, so now you only have 35 minutes to work on it before your next appointment.  You have 2 options: work on the project using the time you have, or do a smaller task and rearrange tomorrow’s schedule so you can work on it then.

Kaye told me: “I don’t look at it as procrastination if I shuffle things around in my day or week because I am planning to do it (have a time set aside).”

Another client, Josiah Higgs, agreed. “Developing the commitment to do something at a particular time is important to me, but I can be flexible when I need to be.”  He knows that when he has a task planned, even if an emergency comes up at Medford Automotive, he will still get to it by adjusting his schedule to fit it within the next few days.

Even if you only have 30 to 40 minutes when you were planning to work on it for an hour, just start it. Apply the 30 Minute Rule.  Brainstorm, create an outline, identify next steps, make calls, etc.  What can I get done in this smaller bucket of time? Before you stop, also make a note of what your next step needs to be.

The Outcome

Kaye experienced success. Having a strong and specific plan is crucial to growing Rapport Pet Training.  She told me: “I did more with my business plan in April than I did in the past four months!”

You too will see results when you apply this technique.  What project or goal did you think of as you read this?  Apply the 30 Minute Rule and experience amazing results!

Let me know how this helped you by entering a comment!


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